Projekt Solartechnik

We effectively support the development of the renewable energy sector implementing the assumptions of our business strategy for 2023-2027. We are driven by good energy for action!

the future

We develop RES projects, design, build and service photovoltaic power plants. We offer turnkey PV farms as well as the sale of green energy under the PPA/cPPA contracting formula. We trade in energy on the local and wholesale market. We advise on the selection of generation sources and help implement energy procurement strategies.


Leasing of land for photovoltaic farms and wind power plants. Procedures for documents, development of projects, bringing to RTB status as soon as possible.


Design of PV farm installations, supply of components and construction of photovoltaic power plants


Asset management. Monitoring of PV farms 24/7. Servicing of solar power plants

sale of
green energy

green energy in the form of cPPAs as well as fixed price contracts, SPOTs and in a tranche model

Sale of
off-the-shelf PV farms

change of description: off-the-shelf solar power plants of varying capacity, located throughout Poland

Sales of
PV projects

photovoltaic projects in RtB and pre-RtB status located throughout the country

mission statement


  • we believe in achieving a common vision
  • we follow our value system
  • we focus on the future
  • we strongly believe that betting on education and development is the highest value for society


  • we make bold and important decisions
  • we take responsibility for our own and our team's decisions and actions
  • we set high standards for ourselves in terms of taking initiative
  • we always act in the best interests of the company


  • we are loyal to each other, we communicate openly and honestly
  • we respect diverse opinions
  • we are open to change and innovation
  • we talk about and learn from the mistakes we make


  • we trust each other, and we make a great team
  • we listen and learn from others, taking into account every voice in the discussion
  • once the decision is made, we work together to achieve the goal
  • we celebrate the successes of our people by promoting them within the organisation


  • we always keep our word
  • we are reliable and honest
  • we follow the rules of fair play
  • we fulfil our commitments

we belong to:
